Institutional / Educational

Gaelscoil Ghoirt Alainn

Client: Department of Education and Skills
Timeframe: Planning permission secured 2012 and 2016
Project Description: Development of a new 16 classroom school for Gaelscoil Ghoirt Alainn at Murmont Avenue in Cork City.
Services: Coakley O’Neill were appointed as planning consultants to provide specific planning consultancy services with respect to the material contravention of the Cork City Development Plan’s sports zoning and overturning a refusal of permission by Cork City Council at An Bord Pleanála on appeal. We also secured a further permission to extend the duration of this permission in 2016

Bishopstown Credit Union Headquarters

Client: Bishopstown Credit Union Ltd.
Timeframe: Planning permission secured in 2013 and 2017
Project Description: Development of a new headquarters building for Bishopstown Credit Union on the Curraheen Road in Cork City.
Services: Coakley O’Neill were appointed as planning consultants to provide project management and planning consultancy services with respect to the development of a new headquarters building for the Credit Union within the Curraheen Neighbourhood Centre in Bishopstown in the western suburbs of the City. Permission was secured on appeal at An Bord Pleanála where the Council’s grant of permission was successfully defended.

Scoil Mhuire gan Small


Client: The Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire gan Smal
Timeframe: 2016-2017
Project Description Three-storey post primary school
Services: Planning advices and appeal responses for a replacement three-storey post primary school building at Shean Lower, Blarney, Co. Cork, granted permission by An Bord Pleanala on 13th June, 2017 (ABP Reg. Ref. PL04 .247742).



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